Sunday, July 1, 2012

Time Flies By...

A lot has happened in the last 2 months so here is a brief summary to catch everyone up.

Kevin and I became parents.

I wrapped up the school year and got my classroom ready for the summer plus threw a babyshower for Jennifer.

Kevin and I are now official home owners and we have painted 2 rooms in our home (more pictures to come soon).

Wyatt turned 2 months old.  He is starting to "talk" to us and gives lots of smiles.

Kevin and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary.

We celebrated Kevin's first Father's Day.

And we are now an Aunt and Uncle!  George Richard Casey was born on Sunday, June 24.

Life is keeping us busy!


  1. I miss you friend! I hope to get to catch up soon! And we need more Wyatt pictures! :)
