Monday, May 21, 2012

1 Month

Believe it or not, Wyatt is now a month old!  This month has flown by and our baby is starting to grow up.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

1st Mother's Day

Kevin's family made a to San Antonio mother's day weekend. It was their first trip to see Wyatt since he was in the hospital.

It was nice to be able to celebrate mother's day with both of our moms. Becoming a mom changes your world. I have so much more respect for my mom now that I have become a mother. I now understand a new type of love that she has for me, all of the things she gave up in order to make me happy, and just how much work she has done in her life to raise a family.

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cancer Battle Update

Fighting cancer is a never ending battle and it often seems like an uphill battle, but big steps have been made to get rid of mom's cancer.  This week mom has begun the first step of her bone marrow transplant by having her stem cells harvested.  This process took a total of five days.  It consisted of having a shot everyday at the hospital, a catheter placed in her neck, and a day of collecting stem cells.

The stem cells will now be frozen until they are used for the transplant.  The exact date of the transplant has still not been determined.  Praise the lord that the stem cells were abundant and that the harvesting only lasted for a day.  Keep the prayers coming for a smooth, safe, and successful bone marrow transplant.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy 27th!!!

I am officially 27! I had a wonderful birthday and I was spoiled by the two men in my life with a gorgeous bracelet.

My birthday was also the first night Wyatt had a babysitter, four to be, dad, Jen, and Curtis. The best babysitters anyone could ask for. Kevin and I enjoyed a quiet dinner on the river walk.

It was a perfect birthday!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hospital Day #4: Wednesday, April 18

Wyatt gets to come home!

The news we had been waiting for....Wyatt was going to be released from the hospital! This was such exciting news and the afternoon couldn't come fast enough.

Getting ready to leave...

We are home!

Hospital Day #3: Tuesday, April 17

This was a bittersweet day. I was released from the hospital and Wyatt was going to have to stay in the hospital. It was a very strange feeling leaving the hospital after giving birth and coming home that night empty handed. Seeing your house with all of the baby gear ready to go and not having your baby with you is a hard thing to accept. Your emotions are at a high, you feel guilty, and helpless.

Even though it was hard to leave the hospital, Wyatt made more steps in the right direction. Wyatt's IV port that was in his scalp was removed! It was so nice to be able to love and kiss on him without the port being in the way. Here is a picture recap of the day.

First thing in morning, pretty eyes wide open...

Getting his foot prints...

After Wyatt's first bath...

HOSPITAL DAY 2: Monday, April 16

Our second day in the hospital was an emotional day. We learned that Wyatt would be in the NICU for the rest of his stay in the hospital and that I would be released before him. We were hoping that Wyatt would be released from the NICU and be able to stay in our room, but that is not what God had in store for us. It was very difficult to see Wyatt hooked up to so many machines, not being able to have multiple visitors at a time, and going back and forth from my room to the NICU.

Visiting Wyatt first thing in the morning...

A very strong grip holding my hand...

Even though things did not go according to our plan, we did receive good news that day. Wyatt's NICU doctor was able to speak to us reassuring us that Wyatt going to be ok and that this was just a bump in the road. Wyatt made big steps and was taken off oxygen. He was able to control his breathing and his lungs were absorbing the ambiotic fluids that was left in them from birth. To make things even better, Wyatt's feeding tube was removed. Big steps in the right direction to be able to come home soon!