Sunday, March 17, 2013

10 months

We just wrapped up being 10 months old.  This month..

It is becoming extremely difficult to take pictures of Wyatt now.  He is never still for long and wants to be on the go exploring things.  Wyatt is a fast crawler.  He has been pulling up on furniture, holding onto things to help him walk, and opening and closing doors down to an art form.  Wyatt also loves to look out the back door, especially when the dogs are outside.

Wyatt has always loved his dogs, but this month Wyatt has discovered the dog water, which now has to be put out of reach when he is up, and Leroy's dog kennel. 

We went to the Stock Show this month.  It was perfect weather and Wyatt seemed to enjoy all of the people and animals.

Wyatt and George got to play together at Granna and Grandpa's.  Wyatt is 10 months and George is 8 months old.

Grandma, Opa, and Aunt Kathleen came to visit.  We went to ride the train in Brackenridege Park.  Wyatt loves being outside and to feel the breeze.  Afterwards, we had a picnic in the park and saw all of the ducks.  

Wyatt loves to point.  He constantly pointing up and loves to point to Kevin's deer in the study.

We also spent an afternoon outside during Spring Break with Mimi. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Stock Show and Rodeo

This year Kevin volunteered at the San Antonio Stock Show.  He helped worked four different shows.  Beef, Swine, Public Speaking, and Agri-Science Fair.  Kevin and I were both off on President's Day so we decided to go to the Rodeo grounds.  Wyatt was very excited once he got out of the truck and got in his stroller to begin his day.

We started off our morning by watching sheep dog trials.  Wyatt definitely noticed the dogs and sheep and he loved watching people walk by.

We looked at some animals and Wyatt learned all about goats from his daddy. 

Background story: Wyatt is very much into pulling hair.  Especially, long ponytails.  So we were waiting in line to see the Texas animal zoo.  Not too long after this picture was taken, Wyatt noticed the girl in front of us had a beautiful ponytail that was right in grabbing distance.  Wyatt stretched out his hand and was just about to get it, but Kevin quickly grabbed Wyatt's hand saving the awkward apology for our son pulling out a bunch of hair.  

It was a great family day and we look forward going to the stock show again next year.