Kevin and I made a list of 11 things to do in 2011 and now we get to mark off
#11: Buy a new piece of furniture. For a very, very long time I have been wanting to find some type of table to put in our long hallway going from the front door to the living room area. We haven't been looking actively, but I just happened to stumble upon this table while I was shopping at
Home Goods and we couldn't pass it up. It works perfectly in the hallway!

The hallway looks so much better now! It really breaks it up and it doesn't look so long now. Also, we have recently added a new piece of artwork. Our photographer from the wedding has been working on one picture that I really liked, but needed a lot of retouching work. Now we finally have a big wedding portrait hanging in the house!

Slowly, but surely things are coming together!
The table looks really nice!