The day Wyatt turned 7 months old...
Wyatt was baptized on Sunday, November 18. He was such a good baby during his baptism ceremony. He was very interested in the flowers behind him and was overall pretty quiet. He didn't mind being passed off and there was no crying.
Wyatt's first Thanksgiving was spent in Arlington. He tried sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and even had a little turkey. Wyatt decided that it would also be ok to start rolling over from back to tummy and tummy to back. Up to this point, Wyatt would roll over very seldomly and more often at daycare. Now he loves to roll over.
While in Arlington, we had to take full advantage of all the fall leaves for pictures. Wyatt loves his daddy and they both have those big chubby cheeks. Wyatt is experimenting with lots of sounds- a, b, d, m, and t. We even get to hear our sweet boy say, "mama" and "dada" everyday. I don't think he knows that this is our name, but that's ok.
It is still hard to believe that I am a mom and that I was pregnant for 9 months! I recently looked back at belly pictures and I couldn't believe how big I was. Wyatt has become more aware of both Kevin and me and is starting to hold out his arms for us. We are even starting to get big, wet, slobbery kiss from Wyatt!
Our family took our first trip to the park. It will become a new tradition to go to a park whenever we visit Grandma, Opa, and Aunt Kathleen. Wyatt loves to be outside and had a lot of fun on the swing. He wasn't afraid to be pushed and is starting to stick out his tongue all the time.
Christmas is just right around the corner! Growing up, my parents gave me an ornament every Christmas and once I got married they gave me all of my ornaments and now our tree is full or very special ornaments. I wanted to pass this tradition down to Wyatt.
We took pictures for Christmas cards...
And of course we met Santa...