Wyatt turned 6 months old in October.
Wyatt loves to sit up on his own. He can sit up right for around 20 minutes and is able to keep himself balanced. Wyatt will grab for toys and he loves to put everything in his mouth. Wyatt is really into holding books and his picture photo book of his family is one of his favorite things to hold onto. Wyatt still really isn't into rolling over. We know he can, and have seen him do it, but he much rather sit upright.
Wyatt has graduated from taking baths in his little blue tub to the kitchen sink. During bath time, Wyatt loves to hold onto toys.
We are beginning to introduce Wyatt to sold foods. He is not so sure about them yet and he is still working on learning how to chew.
Our poor baby was very sick this month. Wyatt caught a nasty stomach bug and passed it along to mommy and daddy. Wyatt never had a temperature, but was nonstop throwing up. By the way, baby throw-up is no fun and winds up all over you!
Wyatt also had lots of family time. We spent time with our great grandparents and loved on our cousin George.
For Halloween, Wyatt was a spider. We spent Halloween night at my school at trunk or treat.
The dogs love their baby Wyatt! Leroy is still learning that if there is a blanket laid on the floor it does not mean it is for him and that all toys are his. Macy May is so sweet with Wyatt. She always lays by him when he is on the floor. Wyatt will pet and sometimes pull on her and Macy can just make Wyatt laugh and laugh.
Time is flying by. Wyatt is such a sweet, laid back little boy. He is so mellow and happy. We are so proud of our little boy.