Monday, October 18, 2010

Kevin Turns 26!

Even though we said no more birthday week, Kevin still had a nice long birthday weekend, so I guess instead of having a whole week, now we will just do a whole weekend!

The birthday weekend started in Arlington. We went to the Tech game, got to visit old college friends, see the Heinze clan, and visit Am-Ma. Kevin was treated to one of his favorite home cooked meals and chocolate birthday cake.

Birthday Celebration #1:

Next stop of the birthday weekend... San Antonio. For Kevin's real birthday, we had a nice small celebration. Kevin's birthday fell on Columbus Day and because Kevin is the academic director he made the executive discussion to declare his birthday as a school holiday. Kevin was able to sleep in and go fishing. After present time, Kevin and I had a quiet dinner at La Fagatas.

Birthday Celebration #2:

Kevin's birthday weekend concluded with dinner at Saltgrass with my family. A big steak dinner and left over chocolate covered strawberries made for a very happy Birthday Celebration #3. Happy Birthday husband!

State Fair & Cotton Bowl

The Texas Tech Red Raiders took on the Baylor Bears in the Cotton Bowl while the State Fair was taking place in Dallas. Kevin and I have not been to a Tech game in over a year and we were very excited to be in the crowd again! Our seats were with Kevin's friends and Kevin's family was on the other side cheering on the Bears. Even though Tech is not playing their best this year, we were still able to pull off a win!


After the game, we adventured around the fairgrounds. I was amazed by all the different types of fried food. Of course the Fletcher's corny dog was AMAZING, but the fried smors pop tart was pretty tasty too!

Big Tex...

Pig Races...

The cute pigs...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Adam's Bachelor Party Round 1

I had a nice quiet weekend home alone, while Kevin was in Matagorda at Adam's bachelor party. I spent my weekend shopping and decorating the house for Halloween and Kevin spent his time fishing at the beach. This was Kevin's first time to saltwater fish. The boys spent all day out on two boats competing in a fishing tournament. Kevin caught some big keepers, a redfish, and a speckled trout just to name a few.

Here is Kevin with some of his fish!